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Swab & Send Home
Swab & Send Home (SASH)
Swab And Send Home (SASH) involves testing patients with history and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 infection. If you have fever, cough, fatigue, breathlessness, loss of taste and smell, we are able to perform a swab test as we are a Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC).
If you have the above symptoms, you will not be charged for consultation and the swab at our clinic.
If you are well, and have no symptoms but want to test for personal reasons only, the following charges apply:
ART $32 (GST included)
PCR $214 (GST included)
Our swab room is specially fitted with negative pressure and air exchange of 15 cycles per hour, and is protected by HEPA air filtration and UVc light sterilisation.
For more information, visit FluGoWhere.
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